Response to the COVID 19/Cost of Living crisis legal impact area of housing to prevent homelessness by the provision of advice, advocacy, casework support and heritable representation, across the Stirling Local Authority Area.
Independent Homelessness Advice & Representation Prevention Service
- To offer immediate on the spot legal advice and casework support (up to and including typ[e 3), to empower, enable and inform decision making to those seeking to overcome legal housing/homelessness difficulties. The particular focus will be to overcome the practical barriers - separationa nd financial issues, housing & heritable and legal issues that ofter inhibit security of tenure.
- To Support CAB clients experiencing legal impact in heritable legal contexts - small claims, summary cause, heritable and the Debtors (Scotland) Act 1987 and any other suitable areas as required, in relation to housing related matters.
- To offer diagnostic legal advice and refer unrepresented clients to an appropriate agency to take on their cases as required.
- To offer In Court Heritable representation to clients in court when deemed necessary
- To represent clients’ interests at housing/homelessness case conferences and hearings.
- To liaise with the Sheriff Clerks Department of Stirling Sheriff Court and the Tribunal Service and to maintain and develop effective working relationships with other relevant stakeholders
- The provision of proactive and preventative impartial Legal advice awareness sessions to interested parties to raise the profile of the legal issues and remedies surrounding the impact of the COVD19 pandemic /Cost of Living crisis in relation to housing /homelessness and raise awareness of the legal processes to overcome the practical barriers that often impair forward transition
- To liaise with other agencies such as local authority departments, social work, homelessness teams other RSL’s, DWP and to work with these agencies to inform and develop a seamless service for the Independent Homelessness Advice & Representation Prevention Service clients.
- To work with the aforementioned agencies in the pursuit of an upstream preventative approach to problems that lead to legislative action.
- To develop the front-line capacity of Stirling CAB to facilitate informed, enabled and empowered decision making in relation to the process of sustained transition from the negative impact of the COVD19 pandemic/cost of living crisis in relation to security of tenure for citizens
- The provision of a second-tier legal consultancy service to Stirling CAB employees/volunteers engaged in the process of supporting CAB clients with improved seamless access to heritable social justice.
- The provision of legal training to Stirling CAB employees/volunteers engaged in the process of supporting clients with legal security of tenure enquiries driven by the impact of the COVD19 pandemic/cost of living crisis.
- To develop and maintain referral procedures with the Sheriff Court and other agencies
Liz Whyte - Housing/Homelessness Advice Worker - (Monday, Tuesday and AM Wednesday) - Liz.Whyte@stirlingcab.casonline.org.uk
Firstly, please read the attachment below "Know Your Rights Guide" .